The Habs won the first round of the NHL playoffs. They were victorious. And so what do they do? They freakin' riot. I'm talking Seattle 1999 crazyness. And not against Boston or even in Boston. No no. In Montreal. Burning cop cars, chuckin' bricks, lootin', the whole bit. It was a shit show.
And did I mention that they won? If the Habs end up losing in round two, they'll have to reinstate the War Measures Act.
C'mon hockey fans: Think of our reputation. Canadians are supposed to be nice and hockey loving, not drunk and dangerous jackasses.
In all seriousness, I echo the sentiments of a Montreal businessman that this is pretty embarassing. Get your shit together, kids. You're messing with my heritage.
Well guess that's what happens when a bunch of drunk people form a mob.
Eh, la. Voyons-donc, les esti franco-canadiens avec leur lootage dans les rues, la!
C'est pas corrects, ca. Au moins ils pouraient comme, chanter ou quelle que choses!
Imagine une gros ligne d'hommes Quebecois en'trains de steal'ay des televisions et de fourrer les policiers avec la musique.
Oh hells yes.
think about it.
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