All my CBC dreams were crushed this weekend however, when I came across this whopper of a headline
Attractive clerks ring up sales: study
It seems those classy people from the University of Alberta conducted research to find out what influence sexy people had on other people’s buying habits. Their conclusion? If a hot salesperson shows interest in your purchase, helps you with your purchase or (the best part) claims to have worn that piece of clothing that you are looking at, you are more likely to purchase it yourself.
Why? Well it seems that pretty people know best. And their germs are sexier apparently too.
"People actually want what we would call the essence — germs — of the other person to come into contact with them. They want part of that other person to rub off on them, basically."
Apparently, pretty people cooties are all the rage. As well, this researcher also forgot that not everyone is straight.
As a researcher myself, I had to ask myself “What is the point of this? Funding was given to this research and so what was the motive?” The U of A School of Business just wanted to examine the impact of beautiful salespeople apparently. But they warned that one should not hire on the basis of beauty alone.
Not because it’s discriminatory, unjust, heterosexist and assumes a certain ideal based on skin colour, physical ability, etc. NO NO NO. One shouldn’t hire on the basis of beauty alone because… they don’t want to get sued.
Not because it’s discriminatory, unjust, heterosexist and assumes a certain ideal based on skin colour, physical ability, etc. NO NO NO. One shouldn’t hire on the basis of beauty alone because… they don’t want to get sued.
“In 2003, nine people who applied for sales jobs at Abercrombie & Fitch sued the U.S. clothing chain, alleging it favoured blue-eyed, blonde-haired salespeople. The company, which has employed shirtless male models to greet customers at some of its stores, settled the lawsuit for $40 million.”
CBC: In times of international conflict, environmental disaster and religious wars, you really focus on the stories that matter. Thanks for that.
I knew this. Whether right or wrong its so true. I got snookered just yesterday. But what I bought was not for me so I think its okay. :)
This is fucking hilarious.
I know that personally, I definetly want the same shit that Emo chick and Bluenotes is wearing. Naturally when you breathe in the essence of a beautiful person, you yourself are that much closer to achieving striking good looks yourself.
Pfft, as if we needed a study to tell us that.
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