Even beloved New Democrat MPP Will Murray didn't win a seat; although it was said he would and results showed that he almost won. But almost only counts for horseshoes and car accidents and politics are more of the train wreck variety.
And so today is a solemn day as I hang my head in sadness at the thought that I live in a province that is apparently in love with high tuition fees, measly benefits for the differently-abled and a pathetic record of dealing with gun violence, gender equality and poverty.
Maybe what I need to get through the next four years is less Bob Dylan and more Puff the Magic Dragon...
I'm sorry for your loss.
If it's any consolation, I'll vote for you when you're running...
...or alternatively, we could quit this whole quazi-fascist McGuinty glory hole and kick it to Renaenia where we will rule supreme! WAHAHAHA!
yeah. dig it.
less bob dylan and more puff the magic dragon? lady, I like you're style.
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